Classic Airframes
June, 2005
by Jules Bringuier

HyperScale is proudly supported by
Jules Bringuier from Classic Airframes' has
supplied the following information regarding new releases:
Well, the third quarter of the year is upon us, and I am happy to
report things are very busy.
As you probably know the Fiat CR 42 Idrovolante and the Biposti were
delivered in May and that closed the second quarter, starting June 1st.
This week the Brewster F2A-1 and the Model 239 kits are shipping.
Due to continued demand the Westland Wyvern has been placed in
production again and Hannants is accepting orders for this item again.
They should be available in a week to ten days.
The Gloster Meteor NF.11/13 Night Fighter is also currently being packed
and will be available at Hannants at the same time as the Wyvern.
For the 2005 IPMS USA Nationals Show in Atlanta, if all goes as
expected, the DH Vampire Trainer should be available and for sale, so
the next installment of the Vampire Chronicles goes on. Some of you may
be interested to know that John Adams graciously assisted to ensure that
the best possible product is offered. As always the best possible effort
is made.
Now for "New Announcements" for sometime this summer.
After many requests, the Supermarine Walrus will be reissued. This
time around it will have injection molded clear parts.
The Fiat CR 32 will also be reissued with a new tool, not 100% but with
the necessary enhancements to bring up to date with the detail that is
needed to bring it up to par with the new CR 42. This tool should be
ready for display in Atlanta.
There will be a single seat DH Vampire (Foreign service part 2) with
markings for South Africa, Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon.
There are more new tool kits in the pipeline for this year too, and
announcements will be made about these in the coming months.
Thanks to Jules Bringuier of Classic Airframes for the
Copyright © 2005 by
Classic Airframes
Page Created 08 June, 2005
Last updated 07 June, 2005
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