Fiat CR.42 Falco

S u m m a r y
Item No. |
2640 |
Contents and Media: |
about 75 parts in injected grey
styrene; 1 clear part; markings for three aircrafts. |
Scale |
1/48 |
Price: |
U.S. Retail Price: US$45.00* |
Review Type: |
FirstLook |
Advantages: |
Interesting and long-awaited
subject, cleanly molded, easy assembly breakdown; dimensionally
accurate, good level of detail; useful options |
Disadvantages: |
Somewhat overemphasised fabric
texture; "D" shaped moulding on windscreen; inaccurate wheels |
Recommendation: |
Recommended |
Scotty Battistoni

Italeri's 1/48 scale Fiat CR.42 will be available online from
Well, the 1/48 scale Italeri CR.42 Falco kit has
finally hit the market.
I won’t bore you with repetitive historical data.
Instead I will be going straight to the kit review.
So what do you get in the new Italeri C.R. 42 kit? The
kit comes with 82 cleanly molded light gray styrene parts and one clear
windscreen. Some of the 82 gray parts are not for use on this particular
kit version - more about this later.
Let’s break it down for you:
12 gray styrene parts and 4 optional decals make up the
kit cockpit. Italeri supplies the modeler with 3 instrument cluster
decals and a decal representing a generic but inaccurate seat belt
harness. The cockpit will build up into a decent representation of the
cockpit right out of the box.
Engine, Prop, and Cowling
Italeri supplies the modeler with 17 pieces (some are
alternates) to assemble that make up the power plant section of the
plane. The alternate pieces are regular vs. hedgehog style exhausts.
Larger blunt spinner vs. smaller pointed spinner. The Italeri kit engine
is a real beauty and will build up into a very nice representation of
the Fiat A74 RC38 engine. Another nice touch is Italeri molded the cowl
flaps in the open position.
Not much to mention here other than that the fuselage is
comprised of 3 parts with finely recessed panel lines. Two things to
take notice are that Italeri has captured the subtle but correct semi
rectangular cross section on the fuselage. They have also correctly
represented the small intakes in the leading edges of the lower wing

On a sour note, the fuselage fabric ribbing effect is
slightly overdone; however a little Mr. Surfacer and some gentle sanding
will soften this effect.
Italeri appears to have softened the wings ribs a bit on
their production parts vs. the original test shots. However, they still
stand just a little too proud of the wing surface. Once again some
gentle sanding is all that it will take to soften and blend these in.

All of the wing struts are cleanly molded, but have sink
marks in the fairings that are on the struts. One thing Italeri did
capture correctly again is in the horizontal stabilizers / elevators.
The elevators have the correct zig zag hinge line. If you look at the
outer edge of the elevator where the hinge line ends and the elevator
profile moves forward of the hinge line, the elevators break line angles
outwards on about the last 4 inches on the real airplane. Have I
confused you yet? The main point is the Italeri stabs have this subtle
but correct shape.
Landing gear and miscellaneous
Italeri gives you both fully faired wheel fairings, or
half faired wheel fairings.
One nice touch is that Italeri captured the anti slip
ribs on top that pilots and crew use to climb on the plane. However, on
a bad note the wheels, (not the tires) are not faithfully represented
and don’t correctly capture what the wheel looks like.
You also get separately molded gun barrels, aileron
linkages, pitot tubes, and wing pylons/bomb racks
Italeri did something really strange on the windscreen.
They molded in a “D” shaped recess on the inside of the front pane of

I don’t know if it is there to clear their gun sight, or
if it is there to represent the glass on the gun sight. Either way, I
wish they would not have done this because it detracts from the model.
Beside the aforementioned cockpit decals, Italeri gives
you marking options for 4 different Luftwaffe night fighting aircraft
from either the 1 or 2 / Nactschlachtgruppe 9 that fought in Italy.
However, given the optional but unused regular exhaust and fully faired
wheel pants, you could use aftermarket decals and model other C.R. 42’s.
Italeri must be commended for tackling a 1/48 Italian
WWII subject, and I hope they will look into maybe doing other subjects
such as a C.R. 32. The kit is cleanly molded and its ease of assembly
will be a plus to some modelers. Italeri must also be commended for
capturing some of the subtle details that define the Falco’s elegant
But, on the downside, some modelers will not be able to
overlook the slightly overdone ribbing effect that’s found on the wings
and fuselage. I compared the kit parts with the Ali D’ Italia drawings
in their CR 42 book and most parts that I could lay on the drawings
matched up almost perfectly.
On a side note, you the modeler are probably asking which kit to buy,
The Classic Airframes kit or the Italeri kit?
Well, I am going to have to let you decide which kit is
the better one for you. However, I will say this - the ultimate CR.42
Falco would be made by combining both kits, but that would be an
expensive venture, wouldn’t it?
* Suggested retail price subject to change without
Thanks to TESTOR
CORPORATION for the review sample
Review Copyright © 2005 by
Scotty Battistoni
This Page Created on 12 May, 2005
Last updated 12 May, 2005
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