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Academy F/A-18C Hornet
Construction Review Part One
The Cockpit

by Dave Roof


Overall shot of the cockpit with the control stick installed.


Academy's 1/32 scale F/A-18C Hornet may be ordered online from Squadron.com


Building the Cockpit




My workbench. Coffee is a must and the pot is always on!



The left side console. The cockpit tub is painted with Tamiya XF-19 Sky Gray. After it dries, I apply a wash of Testors Model Master Flat Black. Once that dries to the touch, I drybrush using Model Master FS36375 then do the detail painting. All of this is done within an hour. I do this for all of the cockpit components.



Here is the instrument panel with the black wash applied.



The finished instrument panel after the drybrush and detail painting.



The finished cockpit with the throttle installed.



Close up of the left console.


Painting and detailing the ejection seat comes next!

Text and Images Copyright © 2003 by Dave Roof
Page Created 28 March, 2003
Last updated 15 August, 2003

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