- Italeri´s
plastic parts
- CMK´s resin parts for cockpit, undercarriage
bays, antennas´masts,
wheels, engine´s
exhaust, airbrakes, pylons
- Conversion parts for JAS 39C Gripen Czech
Air Force
- Landing and landing lights made from
clear resin
- Vacuum formed canopy
- Colored photo-etched parts for cockpit,
gun sight, ejection handles, warning straps
- Hobby Manual – color reference photos of
the real aircraft (4 pages, A4 size)
- Huge decal sheet containing stencils and
and formation lights
- Design drawing of JAS 39C Czech Air Force
in 1/48 scale
- Camouflage profiles in color for 10 machines
including stencil
- Color assembly instructions´sheet