1/144 Scale

Reviewed by Brett Green

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Considering OzMods' predilection for Korean War subjects to
date, it is not surprising to see perhaps the most famous fighter on the
peninsula in the 1950s - the MiG-15
OzMods' comprises 21 parts in dark grey, low-pressure
injection moulded styrene; plus two parts in clear vacform plastic.
Options include two drop tanks for the wings.

Surface detail on the shiny dark plastic parts is by way of
finely engraved panel lines. The panel lines are quite crisp and consistent,
and the overall surface of my sample is an improvement on the earlier kits
from OzMods, but will still benefit from light sanding and polishing before
assembly, especially the wings.
The engineering is conventional. The fuselage is split
vertically, and the wings - one piece each - have small tabs that locate
into slots in the fuselage sides.
A cockpit tub with moulded-on side console detail, a
separate instrument panel and seat are included, as is a small decal sheet
with four great marking options:
North Korean
In case of mishap, two vac form canopies are supplied.
OzMods' 1/144 scale MiG-15 is a very nice looking model that
will be an asset to anyone's 1/144 scale Cold War aviation collection.
Recommended. |