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A-4 Skyhawks


Cutting Edge Decals


S u m m a r y

Catalogue Number:

CED48162 - A-4 Skyhawks

Scale: 1/48
Contents and Media: Double-sided full colour letter-sized instructions plus notes sheet; 1 x full-size decal sheet.
Price: USD$9.99
Review Type: FirstLook
Advantages: Two interesting options (incorporating spectacular markings on one); national markings split to fit over kit features; wing walkways and tailhook markings supplied as decals; good instructions; reference sources, FS colour equivalents and model paints quoted.
Disadvantages: Limited stencil data supplied; no anti-glare decal.
Recommendation: Recommended


Reviewed by Rodger Kelly

HyperScale is proudly sponsored by Meteor Productions




Cutting Edge Modelworks seem to have taken a shine to the A-4 and this sheet is one of three new A-4 sheets that they have released designed to fit the beautiful Hasegawa A-4 series.

The A-4 has been around for a lot of years and as a result has worn the markings of many different USN and USMC squadrons. Not only that, but the markings the squadrons have applied have changed through the years This sheet reflects the evolution in markings for two of the better known A-4 operators.

The first aircraft on the sheet is -C, Bureau No 145140 and it carries the markings of VA-192 Golden Dragons whilst it was aboard the USS Bon Homme Richard or “Bonnie Dick" as it was more commonly known.

Click the thumbnails below to view larger images:

These markings show two different versions of the “dragon”. Four full-sized dragons are supplied, two for each drop tank and two “head only” versions for either side of the fuselage. The tail tip was also painted gold and thankfully, this is provided as a decal so as you don’t have to fiddle around and try to match the same gold colour of the other “dragons” These decals are sufficiently large enough so as they can fold over one another on the top of the tail fin.

The other aircraft is a -E, Bureau No 150032 of VA-55 Warhorses. This is a reasonably bland early version of their markings that later developed into something really spectacular. The colour is confined to green “checkmarks” on either side of the fin and a green checkered fin tip. As with the fin tip markings for the Golden Dragon’s aircraft, these are supplied as decals that will fold over the top of the fin – you need to be careful here so as they will just meet and not fold over. Such is the sum total for this aircraft.

A limited amount of stencil data is provided – read the big, visible stuff! If you really want to go to town and include all of the stencils that these aircraft carried you are going to have to either use the kit supplied stuff or find it elsewhere.

What is a good move on Cutting Edge’s part is the provision of a modified stars and bars to fit over the in-flight re-fulling probe on the starboard side of the –C’s nose.. Another sign that the guys at Cutting Edge are modeller friendly is the way they have produced the stars and bars for the –E version as separate designs so that they will fit on and around the open airbrakes. The wing walkways are provided as decals as well – no masking! My only disappointment is that the nose anti-glare panel is not included.

The decal placement is in the form of a folded letter sized sheet with a full colour guide. There is a nice colour cross reference included that lists FS number matches to the popular brands of model paint needed to correctly finish the model. The sheet also provides a bibliography of references including a note of “numerous photos from the David Klaus collection”. It would be really nice for modellers to have access to these photos too.

The whole thing comes packed in what has become the industry standard of a clear plastic zip-loc bag.

This is a good effort from Cutting Edge Modelwoks and is recommended to those who want to have a “different” Skyhawk on their shelves.


Thanks to Cutting Edge Modelworks for the review samples..

Cutting Edge Modelworks products, including Cutting Edge Decals, can be viewed at
Meteor Productions website

Review Copyright © 2001 by Rodger Kelly
This Page Created on 12 September, 2002
Last updated 09 November, 2003

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