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AH-64A/D RNethAF.



Dutch Decals



S u m m a r y

Catalogue Numbers: 72053 - 1/72 scale, € 7.00
48034 - 1/48 scale, € 7.00
32007 - 1/32 scale, € 8.40 all available from Dutch Decals website
Contents and Media: Each - one decal sheet; one folded A4 page of placement instructions
Review Type: FirstLook
Advantages: Good registration and colour; markings for all Dutch AH-64Ds; bonus markings in 1/72 scale sheet; one of the few ways to have a different look for your Apache!
Disadvantages: Uppersurface slime light markings not called out
Recommendation: Recommended as a good way to lend variety to your AH-64A or D


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The AH-64 attack helicopter might be thought of as brutishly attractive by some, but it does not sport a big variety of colours and markings.

Dutch Decals' latest releases addresses this shortcoming with three sets of decals for the Apache in Royal Netherlands Air Force service. The decal sets provide the same markings in 1/72, 1/48 and 1/32 scales. The timing is especially good in 1/48 scale with the recent release of Hasegawa's excellent AH-64D Apache Longbow.

Markings are supplied for 31 machines - one AH-64A leased from the US Army prior to the introduction of the Apache Longbow to Dutch service, and 30 serials to depict any of the RNethAF AH-64Ds. With creative use of kit stencil decals it should be possible to build two Dutch machines from this sheet .

The Dutch text and low-viz markings will make a noticeable variation from the standard US Army finish. The Dutch low viz roundels are presented in four shades of green instead of the regular red, white and blue. Three alternatives are supplied for these small roundels - one-piece (which are very slightly out of register on my 1/48 scale sheet), two-piece with a separate black border and five pieces with each section of the roundel supplied as a separate decal.



Stencils and slime lights are also provided, although placement of the upper-surface slime lights is not called out on the instruction sheet.

The 1/72 scale set includes bonus markings for the SP-13A to supplement Dutch Decals' sheet number 72025.

This new release is a good way to add some variety to your AH-64.


Thanks to Luuk from Dutch Decals for the review samples.


Text and ImagesCopyright © 2002 by Brett Green
Page Created 06 June, 2002
Last updated 09 November, 2003

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