F8F-1 Bearcat Corrected Cowl
Cutting Edge Modeworks
Much has been written by many in regard to the accuracy or otherwise of the cowling supplied in the Hobbycraft series of F8F Bearcats. I for one was happy with the kit's cowling as, all said and done, it does look like a Bearcat! However, now that I have seen the corrected cowling produced by Cutting Edge Modelworks I have to say that theirs does look much more like the one-to-one-scale example. CEC 48130 provides you with a one-piece cowling that is beautifully cast in a mid-grey resin. The cowling is complete with finely etched panel lines and rivet detail. The rear edges are a third the thickness of the kit's cowling and, at first, I feared that they would be so fragile as to break whilst I was scraping and sanding off the small amount of flash still evident from the casting process. My fears were unfounded though as the resin proved to be quite flexible and easily survived the clean-up process.
To quote Cutting Edge's construction notes on the use of their cowling set "This is REEEEEEELY easy! Throw away the Hobbycraft cowling and substitute ours!" That, in a nutshell is that.
Cutting Edge also provide a further resin engine mount as a part of the cowling set which allows the modeler to mount the Teknics R2800 engine to the Hobbycraft kit. Recommended! Thanks to Meteor Productions for the Sample Cutting Edge Modelworks products are available from Meteor Productions Website Review Copyright © 2000 by Rodger