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S-70A-9 Blackhawk and
Bell 206B Kiowa Decals



Aussie Decals


S u m m a r y

Catalogue Number: A72034
Scale: 1/72, 1/48 and 1/35
Contents and Media: One 14cm x 8.5cm decal sheet (1/48 scale sample under review); 2 small black-and-white instruction sheets
Price: AUD$7.90 (approx USD$4.00)
Review Type: First Look
Advantages: Interesting subjects; crisply printed; no registration problems (almost all black!); four view camouflage diagrams plus ordnance camouflage diagrams
Disadvantages: No Kiowa option in 1/35 scale; some mods required to the Blackhawk for a totally authentic Australian S-70A-9
Recommendation: Recommended for anyone wanting to build an Aussie Blackhawk or Kiowa

Reviewed by Brett Green


F i r s t   L o o k


Helicopter decals have never been available in the same quantity as fixed-wing aircraft. This sheet is therefore very welcome, especially if you are interested in Australian subjects.

Aussie Decals latest releases are just in time for the new 1/35 scale Academy Blackhawk, but will also be applicable for the 1/48 scale Academy/Minicraft version of the S-70, or Italeri's 1/72 scale kit.

I received a sample of the 1/48 scale sheet. The 1/48 scale set comprises one 14cm x 8.5 cm decal sheet plus two black-and-white instruction sheets. The larger instruction sheet contains both side view, top, bottom and frontal view diagrams of a typical Australian camouflage pattern for both the Blackhawk and the Kiowa. This includes FS reference numbers, but does not cross-reference to paint brands. A stencil placement guide is also included on these pages, plus separate four view camouflage guides for the Blackhawk's outer and inner fuel tanks!

The second instruction sheet provides text notes on the aircraft.

Four specific subjects are covered on this sheet - two Blackhawks and two Kiowas. All aircraft are finished in the standard Australian Army colours of Tan, Dark Green and Black. In my opinion, the most interesting is the Blackhawk based in East Timor wearing a small blue swordfish (or is it a marlin?) on the tail and a "UN" panel on each side of the fuselage. Enough decals are supplied to build one Kiowa and one Blackhawk.

The decals are sharply printed. The only splash of colour is the medium-blue swordfish and the white background for the UN sign. This means that registration problems do not exist! The decals are completely gloss-free, so care will be required to ensure that all potential silvering problems are dealt with before a final flat coat..

The camouflage guide helpfully points out that camouflage patterns on Australian Army helicopters vary from aircraft to aircraft, so check your references carefully. References focussing on Aussie Kiowas and Blackhawks are hardly thick on the ground, but we are fortunate that Terry Ashley's PMMS website does have a Gallery section with both Blackhawks and Kiowas covered. Indeed, Terry's recent review of this decal sheet included some essential reference photos of the East Timor-based Blackhawk, complete with its UN livery and blue swordfish tail art.

It should be pointed out that the Australian S-70A-9 Blackhawk has a different stabilizer than the one in the new Academy 1/35 scale kit. The good news for modellers of Aussie Blackhawks is that Pete's Hangar, Aussie Decals accessory line, has now released a modified stabilizer for the Australian A-70A-9 Blackhawk. This accessory is reviewed by Terry Ashley here on HyperScale.

This is a nice production that will appeal to Helicopter modellers in general, and fans of Australian aviation in particular.


Thanks to Peter from Aussie Decals for the review sample.

Aussie Decals are available at hobby shops and retailers including Snowy Mountains Models

Review Copyright © 2001 by Brett Green
This Page Created on 11 November, 2001
Last updated 09 November, 2003

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