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Canadian CF-101 Voodoo
1/72 & 1/48 Decals



Belcher Bits Decals


S u m m a r y

Catalogue Number, Description and Price: BD9 1/48 Canadian CF-101 Voodoo Decals CAN$11.99
BD10 1/72 Canadian CF-101 Voodoo Decals CAN$6.49
Scale: 1/72 and 1/48
Contents and Media: One full-sized decal sheet, one smaller decal sheet and one correction.
Review Type: First Look
Advantages: Wide range of subjects; well printed; perfect registration; silver nicely reproduced; comprehensive instruction sheet; colourful rudder markings; in time for the 2001 re-release of the F-101B Voodoo.
Recommendation: Recommended to all Voodoo and CAF fans.

Reviewed by Brett Green


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Belcher Bits is a Canadian company that produces kits, conversions and decals for Canadian and other subjects. Products to date include correction and conversion tails for Monogram's PBY Catalinas, an RCN TBM-3E and AS-3 conversion for the Accurate Miniatures Avenger, Sea King modifications, and full resin kits of the Canadair CT-114 Tutor, Sikorsky S-51 and the Westland Lynx.

Belcher Bits' latest decal releases are for Canadian CF-101 Voodoos. The same subjects are covered in both the 1/72 and 1/48 scale sheets.

One full decal sheet is supplemented with another sheet one-third of its size. A tiny sheet with extra stencil detail is also included. The decals are well printed with very thin carrier film. Registration is perfect, and the colours look good.

The instructions are quite comprehensive. Three letter-sized, black and white sheets are supplied. Two of these are printed double-sided. This amount of paper is necessary to describe the nine subject aircraft. Each aircraft has a side-view drawing and a text description. The sequence of subjects reads like a history of the Voodoo in Canadian service from 1961 to 1985. All major operational schemes and markings are covered. Limited stencil markings are supplied, as are one set of large wing walkway guides.

Although the modeller may use the instructions as a guide, the generic numbers and markings on the decal sheet may be used to represent any Voodoo in Canadian service until it was replaced by the CF-18 in 1985.

The majority of the schemes are overall natural metal, but rudder stripes and fuselage flashes liven up several subjects. The variation of national and unit markings adds interest too.

This decal set will be a 


Thanks to Mike from Belcher Bits for the review sample.

Belcher Bits Decals are available at hobby shops and retailers

Review Copyright © 2001 by Brett Green
This Page Created on 25 June, 2001
Last updated 09 November, 2003

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