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Canadian Armed Forces CF-101 Voodoos


Leading Edge Models


S u m m a r y

Catalogue Number: 72.006, 48.006
Scale: This review is of the 1/48 set.
Contents and Media: One colour sheet, Four instruction sheets, One and a half decal sheets.
Price: USD$9.25 (1/48 scale)
Review Type: First Look
Advantages: A comprehensive set of markings to cover almost any Canadian Voodoo; sharply printed; minimal carrier film; thin; perfect registration.
Disadvantages: Only enough stencils and insignia provided to do one airframe.
Recommendation: Highly Recommended 


Reviewed by Darren Mottram

HyperScale is proudly sponsored by Squadron.com




This new sheet from Leading Edge Models provides enough markings to produce almost any CF-101 Voodoo that saw service with the Canadian Armed Forces in the later scheme.

The decal set consists of one full size sheet and one half sheet which, between them, includes all the unit markings, numbers and codes, stencilling and National insignia required to produce the chosen airframe.
The decals are beautifully printed with bright, solid and crisp colours, they seem reasonably thin and have very minimal carrier film. The registration of complicated and multi coloured items such as the unit insignia is spot on. A nice touch is the inclusion of a large example of the Canadian Air Defence Command badge which could be used as a nice feature on a display base if the modeller so desires. Unit markings are provided for 409 "Night Hawk", 410 "Cougar", 414 "Black Night" and 416 "lynx" Squadrons as well as the ADC logo as applied for the "William Tell" Air Defence Weapons Meet in 1981. In fact, three different styles of 416 badges are supplied to cover variations. The stencilling is very crisp and thorough, even extending to items for the undercarriage legs as well as the option of filling in some of the vents on the airframe and reproducing them with decals too (I guess this might make it easier than trying to get some of the decals to conform to such awkward shapes?). The only real down side to this set is that, with decals provided for so many variations, there are only enough stencils and National markings do do one machine from this sheet.

The instruction sheets include a colour "title sheet" as with most Leading Edge sets and four(!) black and white decal placement and painting guide sheets. Twelve airframes are illustrated but with the separate numbers provided I imagine it would be possible to do almost any machine you might choose to do. The instruction sheets give very clear and helpful information for each of the airframes illustrated such as the different styles and shapes of the red or blue wing bands applied to some of the jets and an explanation of the "odd" yellow or brownish colour as seen on some of the painted aluminium examples. A bonus inclusion is one example painted in a temporary, water based brown and green camouflage scheme for a Maple Flag exercise. In line with the rest of the instructions, suggestions are provided as to how the modeller might best achieve the temporary and washed out look of this finish.

Click the thumbnails below to view larger images:





With the recent reappearance of the very nice 1/48 scale Monogram Voodoo kit on the hobby shop shelves, this set will provide the modeller with some high quality options for their model.

If you have the inkling to do a Canadian Voodoo, then this is certainly the sheet to use (and if you're undecided, get the sheet anyway. It might make your mind up for you.

Thanks to Dave Koss at Leading Edge for the review sample

The full range of Leading Edge Models products can be viewed at www.lemdecal.com

The product range can be ordered by contacting Leading Edge at lemdecal@telusplanet.net or by snail mail (E, 83 Skyline Cres., N.E. Calgary, AB, T2K 5X2 Canada)

Review and Images Copyright © 2002 by Darren Mottram
Page Created 21 July, 2002
Last updated 09 November, 2003

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