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CF-18 Hornet
"3 Wing 2000 Special"

Leading Edge Models



S u m m a r y

Catalogue Number and Contents:

48.40 - one decal sheet, colour cover and A4 black and white instructions

Scale: 1/48
Price: USD$9.25
Review Type: FirstLook
Advantages: Interesting but straightforward markings on low-viz scheme reduces the risk of a crushing failure; full national markings and legible stencils supplied; decals in register.
Recommendation: Recommended

Reviewed by Paul Gillan

 Leading Edge Decals are available online from Squadron.com


F i r s t   L o o k


The latest CF-18 Hornet commemorative scheme decal sheet from Leading Edge Models is the “3 Wing 2000 Special”. The decals are supplied for a single aircraft (188797) and it is, surprisingly, a low visibility scheme. This is a feature not normally associated with the Canadian Forces Hornet commemorative markings of recent times.

This 1/48 decal sheet (P/N 48.40) is packed in a zip lock bag with a full colour cover card and a black and white instruction sheet. The sheet appears to be perfectly in register.

A stylized eagle and four maple leaves dominate the outboard side of both vertical tails. A large ‘2000’ is prominent in the forward lower corner and a 425 ‘Allouette’ SQN marking features on the upper part of the tail. Ground crew names are also included as is the aircrews.

A full set of national markings, aircraft serials and stencils are provided. These markings and stencils are very comprehensive, beautifully printed and extremely legible. Also included are decals for the hook stripes, false canopy, formation ‘strip’ lights and the wing leading edge tape.

The single page instruction sheet is very well laid out and provides the modeller with the required information to accurately place all the markings and stencils.

Click the thumbnails below to view larger images:




While not the most vibrant colour scheme available for Canadian Hornets, it does offer modellers fearful of huge decal sheets (that’s me) an opportunity to build something different without fear of crushing failure when it comes to decaling.

The Hornet decal sheet range can be viewed at http://www.lemdecal.com/F-18%20PICTORIAL.html

Thanks to Dave Koss at Leading Edge for the review sample

The full range of Leading Edge Models products can be viewed at www.lemdecal.com

The product range can be ordered by contacting Leading Edge at lemdecal@telusplanet.net or by snail mail (E, 83 Skyline Cres., N.E. Calgary, AB, T2K 5X2 Canada)

Review Copyright © 2002 by Paul Gillan
Page Created 23 July, 2002
Last updated 09 November, 2003

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