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Me 262 Turbos





S u m m a r y

Catalogue Number: EC#44 - Me 262 Turbos
Scale: 1/48
Contents and Media: One 205mm x 140mm decal sheet; six page foldout colour instructions and reference guide.
Price: RRP USD$9.00 each (USD$7.66 each from Squadron.com)
Review Type: First Look
Advantages: Well-chosen options; clear and concise illustrated instructions; references quoted; perfect registration.
Disadvantages: I need to buy more Me262s!
Recommendation: Recommended

Reviewed by Lynn Ritger

 EagleCals' 1/48 scale Me 262 decals are available online from Squadron.com


F i r s t   L o o k


In conjunction with the just-released EagleFiles #5 "Stormbird Colors- Construction, Camouflage and Markings of the Me 262" from Ben Evans and our own Brett Green, Eagle Editions has graced us with a fantastic selection of Me 262 options on this latest EagleCals sheet. The four choices provided on EC #44 are as follows:

  • "Yellow 17" of 3./JG7, W.Nr. 500210. Lt. Hans Dorn surrendered this aircraft at Fassberg on 8 May 1945. Two previously unpublished photos from Dave Wadman are reproduced on the instruction sheet, illustrating the dark overall uppersurface scheme of 82/83 to good effect.

  • "Red 13" of Obstl. Heinz Bär, III./JG EJG2, W.Nr.110559. This is an early 262 as evidenced by both the W.Nr. and the overall camouflage of 74/75/76. One of the most famous of all 262s owing to "Pritzl" Bär's success with this aircraft- he claimed twelve confirmed victories in this single 262. After 220 aerial victories, Bär returned to civilian life- sadly, he was killed in 1957 when his small private aircraft spun in from only 150 ft. at Brunswick, Germany.

  • "Green 4" of Major Theodor Weissenberger, Stab./JG7, W.Nr. unknown. Heavy overpainting has obscured much of the stenciling as well as the W.Nr.; this is a very attractive option owing to the RVT bands and unusually long Stab markings. As a sidelight, Weissenberger survived the war but was killed in 1950 at the wheel of his Mercedes during a race at the Nürburgring.

  • "Black X" of Ofw. Hans-Robert Fröhlich, I./KG51, W.Nr. 500200. This last option is one of only eight known surviving Me262s worldwide, and currently resides in an unrestored state at the Treolar Centre in Australia. Beyond the historical significance, the aircraft carries a fantastically varied "patchwork" paint scheme with large unpainted areas beneath the aircraft.

All necessary stenciling is given (enough for a full aircraft), and detailed instructions are given for each aircraft to include hardware variations where noted (such as head armor, nosegear torque links, bomb racks, FuG 25, etc.). EagleCals has a well-deserved reputation for thorough research and dedication to accuracy; this latest release only serves to reinforce that reputation.


My thanks to Eagle Editions for the review samples.

EagleCals decals are available from Eagle Editions Website or Hobby Retailers

Review Copyright © 2002 by Lynn Ritger
This Page Created on 22 July, 2002
Last updated 09 November, 2003

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