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French Guard Dragoon





Historex 54mm Figures are available online from Squadron.com


S u m m a r y
Description and Item Number: French Guard Dragoon a' Cheval Office
Contents and Media: Approx. 69 parts in white styrene pieces
Scale: 54mm (1/32 scale)
Price: USD$8.96 from Squadron.com
Review Type: FirstLook
Advantages: Excellent detail; realistic figure and horse; multi-part breakdown improves three-dimensional impact; good value at less than USD$9.00
Disadvantages: Some very delicate parts; flash on some parts; experience required for assembly and elimination of seams etc.
Recommendation: Recommended


Reviewed by Brett Green


F i r s t L o o k


Historex has a long and distinguished reputation for producing 54mm injection-moulded styrene figures. Being a French company, their key area of focus is the Napoleonic era.

This release is a French Imperial Guard Dragoon Officer, mounted on his steed.

The kit comprises approximately 69 parts in white styrene. All the parts are well detailed, with the smaller elements of the elaborate Imperial Guards dress uniform, and the elements of the horse's saddle, bridle and remaining furniture, being provided as separate parts.

The quality of the plastic is very good, with the only noticeable problem being flash surrounding some of the parts.



Assembly is quite logical, but some of the join lines are in obvious places on the larger parts, including the centreline of the horses body and the head/body join. These, and other joins on the body of the figure, will require careful filling, blending and sanding. The smaller parts will also require care when removing them from the sprues and subtle use of cement when gluing them to the Officer and his horse. Too much cement could easily distort some of the smaller detail parts.

Although the bridle is moulded onto the horses head, the modeller will have to supply his own reins and other gear from lead foil or a similar material.



Instructions are by way of a single folded sheet of A4 paper. A half page is devoted to describing the figure and some text to assist assembly; another half page has small, exploded view diagrams for assembling the kit; and the flip side contains descriptive information about the elements of the uniform.

The only painting guide is the colour photo on the front of the pack. However, this photo does display the detail quite well, including the Panther skin band on the plumed copper "Minerve" helmet.

Historex's French Imperial Guard Dragoon is a very attractive offering that will be impressive on its own, or as part of a larger Napoleonic display.


Review Copyright © 2002 by Brett T. Green
This Page Created on 20 July, 2002
Last updated 09 November, 2003

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