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Saunders Roe P177R
1/72 scale - PREVIEW


Freightdog Models

HyperScale is proudly sponsored by Squadron.com


Here is an early image of the masters for my first kit release, the Saunders Roe P177R in 1/72. This was a project aircraft that was cancelled before its first flight. Initial kit will feature decals for RAF 'in service' versions from 1960-1980'.

This will be followed by the P177N 'Royal Navy/Export' version, which will also include decals for German Navy who expressed an interest in buying the aircraft before it was cancelled in 1957, opting to purchase the Starfighter instead.

The kit is being mastered and cast by Anigrand Craftworks in Hong Kong, and will be released in the next 3 months exclusively under the 'Freightdog Models' label.

Please see my webpage for more information


Thanks to Colin from Freigthdog Models for the Preview information and image

Text and Images Copyright © 2006 by Freightdog Models
Page Created 11 July, 2006
Last updated 11 July, 2006

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